Running with rifles windowed mode
Running with rifles windowed mode

  1. #Running with rifles windowed mode update
  2. #Running with rifles windowed mode Patch
  3. #Running with rifles windowed mode code

Walking and running spread on ropes increased to match the walking and running spread on ground.Ascender min spread on ropes increased to 65% of the walking spread.This should allow combat on ropes to be viable in close range scenarios-which we feel is important to make them a viable map traversal tool-but much less often will it be a good choice in medium to long range engagements. We’ve adjusted the weapon spread on ropes across most weapons to make combat efficacy while on ropes a touch more difficult. WEAPONS UPDATES Weapon Accuracy on Ascenders / Ziplines (Ropes) This should also reduce the likelihood of getting spammed. Adjusted the size of the B Site Pillar to give you a little bit more room to work with.This provides extra space for defenders to reposition against incoming utility, and it creates new angles to contest B Link or the common Long plant spot. The new cubby gives defenders another position to play from.

running with rifles windowed mode

We’ve extended the screen to create a larger pocket to play from, added a non-pennable section, added a stack of crates to give defenders a new mixup option and moved everything closer to B Ramp to allow more utility to fit there (Smokes, Sage Wall, etc).

  • We’re adjusting B Site Screen to give more options to defenders.
  • This reduces the number of positions to hold the long plant from and makes this space more vulnerable to flanks.
  • We've also removed the attacker Ramp cubby as well.
  • This should make the position more committal and more predictable to deal with. We’ve made the Screen shorter and replaced the ramp with a jump up.
  • The Screen on B Ramp was providing a lot of mixup pressure and had proven hard to deal with on retakes.
  • Adjusted the B Ramp Screen and removed the attacker cubby.
  • #Running with rifles windowed mode update

    With that in mind, we wanted to get a smaller scale update out before Champions to address those concerns. We've felt that Pearl's B Site has been problematic due to how difficult the site is to hold as a defender in conjunction with the amount of strong post-plant options available to attackers. Please report any issues if there are any characters or text that are different size or style compared to previous patches before 6.10.

  • Performance optimizations in Observer Mode when frequently switching between Agents who are using abilities.
  • Combat Report now shows “Allies Dazed” in addition to “Enemies Dazed” for all Concuss abilities.
  • There should be no net difference, but if we ended up missing anything, let us know!
  • Changes like these help us avoid bugs as we continue to make exciting new features for y’all.
  • #Running with rifles windowed mode code

    We've cleaned up some of the code related to the trajectory of grenade-like projectiles ( such as Sova's Shock Bolt and Recon Bolt, and Brimstone's Incendiary ).Sova's cape dynamics were redone and smoothed out, while still maintaining a silhouette close to his body to not give away enemy position.

    running with rifles windowed mode

  • The timing of Omen’s From the Shadows (X) voiceover line will come in quicker to increase your discernibility.
  • When hit by Concussing abilities, Yoru's Fakeout (C) can now be visually affected.
  • Regenerate to max fuel once empty 20s > 30s.
  • Reduced regeneration per second 5% > 3.3%.
  • It also creates some moments of downtime when Harbor and Viper cycle their walls.Īs always, we’ll be watching how these changes play out in the coming months and evaluating if any further updates are needed. This change retains Viper’s power moments while her utility is active, but asks you to be more precise on when to use it-giving attackers more agency and value in baiting out her fuel, and defenders a larger window to play around it during retakes. We want to ensure Viper and Harbor can be competitive independently, while also allowing room for teams to explore strategies that can counter them. The Viper change below is meant to both create more explicit downtimes when playing around her utility, and address the multiplicative effects of Viper and Harbor’s vision block.
  • Reduced weapon equip time after post-teleport lockout 0.7s > 0s.
  • We’re looking to put more power into his ability to lurk, and give him more flexibility within his setups. At the time, we reduced Chamber’s sphere of influence significantly.

    #Running with rifles windowed mode Patch

    This should make it easier to understand when you will and will not be hit by the ultimate.Ĭhamber has taken a backseat in overall pick-rate after the last round of changes in Patch 5.12.

  • Warning visuals have been updated to provide a clearer edge to the ultimate’s area of effect.
  • running with rifles windowed mode

    We’ve also made a few updates to Pearl’s B Site.Īs always, let us know what you think about all the updates in Patch 6.11. Our Agents and Weapons teams have been hard at work on some minor and major changes for a few of your favorite Agents and weapons including Chamber, Viper, the Shorty, and the Frenzy.

    Running with rifles windowed mode